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Application for a DIR licence for limited and controlled release of GM plants - example answers
This is a hypothetical case study provided as an example. It should not be cited as evidence in an application. Although the data and discussions are representative, this example may not include all considerations needed when assessing risks from a proposed GM plant limited and controlled release.
Application for a DIR licence for the limited and controlled release of GM plants
This application form is for dealings (activities) involving limited and controlled release of genetically modified (GM) plants into the environment.
Communique of GTTAC meeting of 15 May 2023
This Communiqué covers matters considered at the 33rd videoconference of the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee (15 May 2023).
Communique of GTECCC meeting of 10 May 2023
This Communique covers matters considered at the 18th meeting of the Gene Technology Ethics and Community Consultative Committee (10 May 2023).
Infographic outlining OGTR and FSANZ regulatory remits
This infographic gives a brief description of the difference between OGTR and FSANZ regulatory remits, where the OGTR conducts risk analysis and licensing for commercial cultivation, while FSANZ conducts food safety assessments, approves food for sale and sets labelling requirements.
OGTR Newsletter Issue 8
This issue focuses on the OGTR Online Services Portal and NLRD intermittent reporting.
Model Form – Record of Assessment for a Notifiable Low Risk Dealing (NLRD)
IBCs can use this model form when making an NLRD record of assessment (RoA) and recording that it has been given to the proponent.
Quarterly activities report for January - March 2023
Details of OGTR monitoring and compliance activities during the quarter ended 31 March 2023.
The Biology of Musa L. (banana)
This document provides baseline information about the parent organism for use in risk assessments of genetically modified (GM) Musa spp. that may be released into the Australian environment.
Current GM plants authorised for release into the environment (GMO Register and licences for commercial releases)
Tables of all current commercially released GM plants in Australia and their OECD unique identifiers.
Quarterly activities report for October - December 2022
Details of OGTR monitoring and compliance activities during the quarter ended 31 December 2022.
Guidelines for Certification of a Physical Containment Level 3 Facility - new Guidelines effective 1 December 2022
These guidelines contain the requirements for certification of a Physical Containment Level 3 (PC3) Facility issued pursuant to section 90 of the Gene Technology Act 2000 (the ACT) and state legislation.
Guidance for Certification of a Physical Containment Level 3 Facility – to be read with new Guidelines effective 1 December 2022
This guidance accompanies the Guidelines for certification of a Physical Containment Level 3 (PC3) Facility effective 1 December 2022.
Annual Inspection Checklist for a PC3 Facility - For facilities certified or re-certified after December 2022
Checklist for annual inspection against the usual Conditions of Certification as detailed in the Gene Technology Regulator’s Guidelines for Certification of a Physical Containment Level 3 Facility.
Application Checklist for a new Physical Containment Level 3 Facility
Checklist for the inspection of a new facility against the usual Conditions of Certification as detailed in the Gene Technology Regulator’s Guidelines for Certification of a Physical Containment Level 3 Facility Version 1.0 - 1 December 2022
Guidelines and checklists for certification of PC3 facilities
Documents supporting applications for the certification of Physical Containment Level 3 (PC3) facilities.
Guidelines for the certification of physical containment facilities
These guidelines describe the requirements for the certification of each level and type of physical containment facility as per section 90 of the Gene Technology Act 2000 (the Act).
Application checklists for the certification of physical containment facilities
These checklists list the requirements of the Gene Technology Regulator’s guidelines for certification of a physical containment facility.
Inspection checklists for physical containment facilities
These checklists set out the criteria for an inspection against the usual conditions of certification of physical containment facilities.
Communique of GTECCC meeting of 22 November 2022
This Communique covers matters considered at the 17th meeting of the Gene Technology Ethics and Community Consultative Committee (22 November 2022).
Communique of GTTAC meeting of 29 November 2022
This Communiqué covers matters considered at the 58th meeting of the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee (29 November 2022).
The Biology of Lolium multiflorum Lam. (Italian ryegrass), Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass), Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh (tall fescue)
This document provides baseline information about the parent organism in risk assessments of genetically modified L. multiflorum, L. perenne and L. arundinaceum that may be released into the Australian environment.
Explanatory Information - Guide to Physical Containment Levels and Facility Types
This document describes the Physical Containment (PC) levels used by the Gene Technology Regulator in the certification of facilities. It also explains the categories of organisms and types of dealings intended to be contained in each facility type and PC level.
Operations of the Gene Technology Regulator Annual Report 2021-22
The report describes the roles and responsibilities of the Gene Technology Regulator (the Regulator) and the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) during 2021-22.
Quarterly activities report for April - June 2022
Details of OGTR monitoring and compliance activities during the quarter ended 30 June 2022.