About our work regulating GMOs
Find out how we support the Gene Technology Regulator to manage, and protect against, risks posed by GMOs.
Approved GMOs in Australia
Details about approved applications, dealings and licences, accredited organisations, and active crop field trial sites.
Application and reporting forms
Access forms for licence applications, organisation accreditation, and reporting obligations.
For Institutional Biosafety Committees
Useful resources for IBCs covering records of assessment, classification of NLRDs and contained dealings.
Licence Issued (DIR 206)
The Regulator has issued a licence to Western Sydney Local Health District for a clinical trial of genetically modified bacteriophages for treatment of mycobacterial infections.
New licence application (DIR 213)
Novotech Australia Pty Ltd has applied for a licence to conduct a clinical trial of genetically modified human adenovirus for treatment of melanoma.
Committee member nominations sought
Nominations are sought for the 2026-29 membership of the Gene Technology Advisory Committees.
Assessment of GM mosquito application
The following infographics explain the regulatory pathways and the OGTR timelines for this assessment, including where there are opportunities for public submissions. More info is available at DIR 207.
The OGTR Online Services Portal
The NLRD reporting service and certified facilities service are available in the Portal. Please refer to the log in button at the top of the screen for access to the portal. More information is available on our using the online services portal page.
mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are not gene therapies
Misinformation has been circulating regarding mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and gene therapy. The following statement addresses this misinformation.
Subscribe to updates about the regulation of gene technology
Get notified about applications to release a GMO into the environment, when an application is open for comment and when changes are made to Australia's gene technology legislation.
Apply to work with GMOs
Authorisations to deal with GMOs
See more about the types of approvals for GMO dealings and how to apply.
Certify your facilities
Find out more about the certification process including the requirements for each type of facility, and how to apply.
Get your organisation accredited
All organisations dealing with GMOs should consider accreditation. Find out more including how to apply.
Transport, storage and disposal
Learn about importing, transporting, storing and disposing of GMOs or products containing GMOs.
OGTR Newsletter Issue 11
This issue focusses on the IBC Forum and various consultations happening across the OGTR.
Operations of the Gene Technology Regulator Annual Report 2023-24
The report describes the roles and responsibilities of the Gene Technology Regulator (the Regulator) and the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) during 2023-24.